[Insight-developers] how to attack memory leaks

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Wed Jun 15 11:45:47 EDT 2005

> 4. As good as valgrind is, it can be fooled, and regularly reports 
> leaks where I suspect none is occuring. Something as basic as an 
> assignement to a std::string can generate a leak report.

I believe this is answered in the FAQ of valgrind. You have to use 
GLIBCPP_NEW = 1 (or GLIBCXX_NEW=1 if you use gcc > 3.4.0)

As for the suppressions file, could you share it with us ? We do it in 
ParaView, therefore people could have at least a good start, and would 
only had a few. As a side note the only annoying suppression I had to 
deal with is the one generated by the libGL.so (ATI or NVidia) since 
they are doing some crazy things.

So what about a : Insight/CMake/ITKValgrindSuppressions.supp ?


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