[Insight-developers] Some Speedup in itkConstNeighboorhoodIterator and AnisotropicDiffusion

Karl Krissian karl at bwh.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 12 19:12:56 EDT 2005


After some profiling the itkGradientAnisotropicDiffusion on a 
256x256x100, I found the following
speed improvements:

1. In  Common/itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h:
adding 3 lines in GetPixel allows speeding up the processing in the 
central region that does not
need checking for boundaries (basically putting this part of the code 

  virtual PixelType GetPixel(const unsigned i) const
       if (!m_NeedToUseBoundaryCondition)   
    return (*(this->operator[](i)));
      else {
    bool inbounds;
    return this->GetPixel(i, inbounds);

This speeds up approx 25%

2. Avoiding using the NeighboorhoodInnerProduct to compute finite 
can speed up another 30%,
I attach the modified files

A test using the itkTimeProbe on the 256x256x100 with 5 iterations gives 
the following timings:

initial GradientAD 46 sec
modif 1                   35 sec
modif 1+2               25 sec

which means almost x2 speed up.

The methods that take most time in the fastest version are:

- 31.7%  GradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction ComputeUpdate
- 24.7% ConstNeighborhoodIterator                          
- 11.3% ScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction           
-   8.3% ConstNeighborhoodIterator                          
-   6.4% ConstNeighborhoodIterator                          operator++
-   3.5% ConstNeighborhoodIterator                          
GetPixel(unsigned, bool&)
-   3.5% ConstNeighborhoodIterator                          Inbounds()


Karl Krissian, PhD
Instructor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School
Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Tel:617-525-6232, Fax:617-525-6220 

-------------- next part --------------

  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction.txx,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2003/09/10 14:28:48 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.10 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef __itkGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction_txx_
#define __itkGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction_txx_

#include "itkNumericTraits.h"

namespace itk {

template<class TImage>
double GradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction<TImage>
::m_MIN_NORM = 1.0e-10;
template<class TImage>
  unsigned int i, j;
  RadiusType r;

  for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
    r[i] = 1;

  // Dummy neighborhood used to set up the slices.
  Neighborhood<PixelType, ImageDimension> it;
  // Slice the neighborhood
  m_Center =  it.Size() / 2;

  for (i = 0; i< ImageDimension; ++i)
    { m_Stride[i] = it.GetStride(i); }

  for (i = 0; i< ImageDimension; ++i)
    { x_slice[i]  = std::slice( m_Center - m_Stride[i], 3, m_Stride[i]); }
  for (i = 0; i< ImageDimension; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < ImageDimension; ++j)
      // For taking derivatives in the i direction that are offset one
      // pixel in the j direction.
        = std::slice((m_Center + m_Stride[j])-m_Stride[i], 3, m_Stride[i]); 
        = std::slice((m_Center - m_Stride[j])-m_Stride[i], 3, m_Stride[i]);

  // Allocate the derivative operator.
  dx_op.SetDirection(0);  // Not relevant, will be applied in a slice-based
                          // fashion.

template<class TImage>
typename GradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction<TImage>::PixelType
::ComputeUpdate(const NeighborhoodType &it, void *,
                const FloatOffsetType&)
  unsigned int i, j;

  double accum;
  double accum_d;
  double Cx;
  double Cxd;
  // PixelType is scalar in this context
  typedef typename NumericTraits<PixelType>::RealType PixelRealType;  
  PixelRealType delta;
  PixelRealType dx_forward;
  PixelRealType dx_backward;
  PixelRealType dx[ImageDimension];
  PixelRealType dx_aug;
  PixelRealType dx_dim;

  delta = NumericTraits<PixelRealType>::Zero;
  // Calculate the centralized derivatives for each dimension.
  for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++)
    {      dx[i]  =  (it.GetPixel(m_Center + m_Stride[i])-it.GetPixel(m_Center - m_Stride[i]))/2.0f;    }

  for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++)
    // ``Half'' directional derivatives
    dx_forward = it.GetPixel(m_Center + m_Stride[i])
      - it.GetPixel(m_Center);
    dx_backward =  it.GetPixel(m_Center)
      - it.GetPixel(m_Center - m_Stride[i]);      

    // Calculate the conductance terms.  Conductance varies with each
    // dimension because the gradient magnitude approximation is different
    // along each  dimension.      
    accum   = 0.0;
    accum_d = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++)
      if (j != i)
	  //dx_aug     = m_InnerProduct(xa_slice[j][i], it, dx_op);
	  //dx_dim     = m_InnerProduct(xd_slice[j][i], it, dx_op);
	  dx_aug     = (it.GetPixel(m_Center + m_Stride[i] + m_Stride[j]) -
			it.GetPixel(m_Center + m_Stride[i] - m_Stride[j]))/2.0f;
	  dx_dim     = (it.GetPixel(m_Center - m_Stride[i] + m_Stride[j]) -
			it.GetPixel(m_Center - m_Stride[i] - m_Stride[j]))/2.0f;
        accum   += 0.25f * vnl_math_sqr( dx[j] + dx_aug );
        accum_d += 0.25f * vnl_math_sqr( dx[j] + dx_dim );
    if (m_K == 0.0)
      Cx = 0.0;
      Cxd = 0.0;
      Cx = exp(( vnl_math_sqr( dx_forward ) + accum)  / m_K );
      Cxd= exp(( vnl_math_sqr( dx_backward) + accum_d)/ m_K );

    // Conductance modified first order derivatives.
    dx_forward  = dx_forward * Cx;
    dx_backward = dx_backward * Cxd;

    // Conductance modified second order derivative.
    delta += dx_forward - dx_backward;
  return static_cast<PixelType>(delta);

} // end namespace itk

-------------- next part --------------

  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction.txx,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2004/12/21 22:47:31 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.8 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef __itkScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction_txx_
#define __itkScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction_txx_

#include "itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition.h"
#include "itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h"
#include "itkNeighborhoodInnerProduct.h"
#include "itkNeighborhoodAlgorithm.h"
#include "itkDerivativeOperator.h"
//#include <iostream.h>

namespace itk {

template <class TImage>
::CalculateAverageGradientMagnitudeSquared(TImage *ip)
  typedef ConstNeighborhoodIterator<TImage>      RNI_type;
  typedef ConstNeighborhoodIterator<TImage> SNI_type;
  typedef NeighborhoodAlgorithm::ImageBoundaryFacesCalculator<TImage> BFC_type;

  unsigned int i;
  ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition<TImage>  bc;
  PixelType                                 accumulator;
  PixelType                                 val;
  PixelType                                 counter;
  BFC_type                                  bfc;
  typename BFC_type::FaceListType           faceList;
  typename RNI_type::RadiusType             radius;
  typename BFC_type::FaceListType::iterator fit;

  NeighborhoodInnerProduct<TImage> SIP;
  NeighborhoodInnerProduct<TImage>      IP;
  RNI_type                              iterator_list[ImageDimension];
  SNI_type                              face_iterator_list[ImageDimension];
    ImageDimension> operator_list[ImageDimension];
  unsigned long Stride[ImageDimension];
  unsigned long Center[ImageDimension];

  // Set up the derivative operators, one for each dimension
  for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
    radius[i] = operator_list[i].GetRadius()[i];

  // Get the various region "faces" that are on the data set boundary.
  faceList = bfc(ip, ip->GetRequestedRegion(), radius);
  fit      = faceList.begin();

  // Now do the actual processing
  accumulator = NumericTraits<PixelType>::Zero;
  counter     = NumericTraits<PixelType>::Zero;

  // First process the non-boundary region

  // Instead of maintaining a single N-d neighborhood of pointers,
  // we maintain a list of 1-d neighborhoods along each axial direction.
  // This is more efficient for higher dimensions.
  for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
    iterator_list[i]=RNI_type(operator_list[i].GetRadius(), ip, *fit); 
  while ( !iterator_list[0].IsAtEnd() )
    counter += NumericTraits<PixelType>::One;
    for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
	val = static_cast<PixelType> (iterator_list[i].GetPixel(Center[i]+Stride[i]))-
	  static_cast<PixelType> (iterator_list[i].GetPixel(Center[i]-Stride[i]));
	val = val/-2.0f;
	val = static_cast<PixelType>(static_cast<double>(val) * this->m_ScaleCoefficients[i]);
	accumulator += val * val;
  // Go on to the next region(s).  These are on the boundary faces.
  while ( fit != faceList.end() )
    for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
      face_iterator_list[i]=SNI_type(operator_list[i].GetRadius(), ip,
    while ( ! face_iterator_list[0].IsAtEnd() )
      counter += NumericTraits<PixelType>::One;
      for (i = 0; i < ImageDimension; ++i)
	  val = static_cast<PixelType> (face_iterator_list[i].GetPixel(Center[i]+Stride[i]))-
	    static_cast<PixelType> (face_iterator_list[i].GetPixel(Center[i]-Stride[i]));
	  val = val/-2.0f;
        val = static_cast<PixelType>(static_cast<double>(val) * this->m_ScaleCoefficients[i]);
        accumulator += val * val;
  this->SetAverageGradientMagnitudeSquared( (double) (accumulator / counter) );


}// end namespace itk


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