[Insight-developers] Some suggestion

Ashish Poddar ahpoddar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 16:54:58 EST 2005

I was just checking Affine Transform
<http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1AffineTransform.html> and
found some TODO comments

template<class TScalarType = double, unsigned int NDimensions = 3>  
void itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate2D  ( 
TScalarType  angle,
  bool  pre = 0 

TODO: Find a way to generate a compile-time error is this is used with
NDimensions != 2
template<class TScalarType = double, unsigned int NDimensions = 3>  
void itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate3D  ( 
const OutputVectorType &  axis,
  TScalarType  angle,  
  bool  pre = 0 

TODO: Find a way to generate a compile-time error is this is used with
NDimensions != 3

I am not sure whether this a pending TODO still or not, and if it is,
then probly the website is not updated...

anyways my suggestion for this is just define the function for a
particular template parameter only, as under:

template<class TScalarType = double, 3>  
void itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate2D  ( 
TScalarType  angle,
  bool  pre = 0 
template<class TScalarType = double, 2>  
void itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate3D  ( 
const OutputVectorType &  axis,
  TScalarType  angle,  
  bool  pre = 0 

compiler error will be generated in case we declare the template
parameter as 2 in former case, and 3 in latter case, as function not

I havent tried it, but guess that it should work fine...

Ashish Poddar
Have an acceptable reason for accepting anything.
Y:ashish_poddar | MSN:ashish_poddar at yahoo.com

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