[Insight-developers] SNAP configuration for VS60

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Mon Aug 29 18:50:31 EDT 2005

Hi Paul,

We changed the SNAP build tree organization (the change is pertinent to VS 6 alone). 

The reason was a limitation in VS6: 
The include path for VS6 cannot be too long (3000 characters I think.) 
SNAP includes the ITK, VTK and FLTK trees apart from its own. 
This was causing build errors on our VS6 dashboards:


So if the compiler is VS6, all the sources from the SNAP source tree are copied into a single 
include directory in the binary folder. 

Just a minor change..

BTW, for the feedback, its a great application!


>Dear ITK Users,
>This is the announcement for ITK-SNAP version 1.4 beta. SNAP is a component of the InsightApplications directory of ITK, and it is also available as a standalone binary (Linux, Windows) from
>Please visit the above site for more information about SNAP. We are looking forward to your feedback in this beta stage.
>Paul A. Yushkevich, Ph.D.
>Research Fellow
>Department of Radiology
>University of Pennsylvania

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