[Insight-developers] [Fwd: bug triage]

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc.edu
Thu Aug 11 21:15:44 EDT 2005


As stated in the bug:

ITK only supports histograms with FrequencyType of float.  This is 
because itkSample.h has hardcoded a typedef of FrequencyType with float.

1) One option is to add another template var to Sample.  UGH.  This 
requires changes to every sample type: ListSample, ImageSample, etc. 
However, it appears that this can generally be masked from the user by 
providing a default value of float for this template var.

2) Another option is to only allow FrequencyType of float.   This would 
require removal of a template parameter from DenseFrequencyContainer and 
SparseFrequencyContainer.   This change could not be masked from the 
user, but given the changes already made to the statistics API, perhaps 
the impact can be considered minimal (or at least well timed).

Since histogram is the only sample type that causes this problem, I 
hesitate to induce changes to every sample type.

Since we already provide memory a saving option for histograms via 
sparsefrequencycontainer, perhaps allowing for int, uint, char, uchar 
etc frequencytypes is not critical.  We do, however, lose if someone 
wants a frequency type of double.

I suggest option 2, but I am open to suggestions.

What do ya'll think?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: bug triage
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 12:58:06 -0700
From: Lydia Ng <lydia_l_ng at hotmail.com>
To: aylward at unc.edu
CC: luis.ibanez at kitware.com

Hi Stephen,

You will be happy (or not) to know that a bug has been assigned to you in
the triage we just had.
But since you are not in the system I couldn't do it via the bug tracker -
hence this email.

The bug is:


Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Associate Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
aylward at unc.edu
(919) 966-9695

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