[Insight-developers] mattes optical flow

Mathieu De Craene decraene at tele.ucl.ac.be
Tue Apr 19 09:37:23 EDT 2005

Hi Itk colleagues !

I have put on this directory


a copy of some classes I wrote to use the derivative as implemented in
the itkMattesMutualInformationMetric in a optical flow registration
framework. Feel free to commit these classes in the Insight tree if you
find them useful.

I have seen that another class (itkMIRegistrationFunction) is doing the
same job for Viola's implementation. Basically, any metric derivative
which can be written like
      Deriv = \Sum_samples TransfoJacobian(sample) * flow(sample)
can be seen as the sum of the projections of a flow vector
( flow(sample) ) on the transformation jacobian at this point.

Could we imagine some day to have an intersection between the two
registration families in ITK ? Having some metrics which could be
optimized with parametric transformations using the GetDerivative()
method OR in a dense deformation field estimation at every voxel like in
Optical Flow ?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts ;-)


Mathieu De Craene <decraene at tele.ucl.ac.be>
010 47 93 53 - 0478 51 54 54 (cell) - 010 47 20 89 (fax)

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