[Insight-developers] Re: Marketing Insight Into Images

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc.edu
Tue Nov 16 11:28:45 EST 2004

Hi Sannie,

I've CC'd the ITK developers' list - most of those people contributed to 
the book.   Any of the people on that list are welcome to offer 
suggestions on how to best market the book - and perhaps to do some 
active marketing themselves... :)

For Book Reviews, I think Academic Radiology should be added to the list.

For Conferences, ISMRM is probably a good avenue as well.

For ITK keywords in google:
itk, segmentation, registration, medical image analysis, mutual 
information, finite element, active contours, active surfaces, mixture 
model, visible human, yoo



Susannah Sieper wrote:

> Hi Terry and Stephen,
> I hope that by now you have received your author copies and are pleased 
> with the final book. For the past few days I have been concentrating 
> on marketing activities for Insight into Images and I'd like to let you 
> know what I've done and get some input from you on how to move forward.
> *Textbooks*
> I've had requests from several professors for examination copies of 
> Insight into Images. If you are able to provide contacts who are 
> teaching courses that might be interested in using this as a textbook, 
> please let me know. I am happy to follow up with them and provide an 
> examination copy.
> *Review Copies*
> Review copies of the book have been sent to the attached list. I have 
> also contacted some of the other journals to see if they accept reviews, 
> including Medical Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition.
> *Conferences*
> We participated in the IEEE VIS conference in October and found it to be 
> a great venue, not only for Insight into Images, but for our other 
> graphics books as well. I'll pursue some of the other conferences that 
> you listed on the author's questionnaire. If you will be attending a 
> related conference and would like me to try to get the book there and/or 
> a flyer for the book that you can either put out or that we can try to 
> get the organizer to include in any registration materials please let me 
> know in advance. I have put together a flyer with an order form that can 
> be used at such conferences (see attached.) Please also replace the 
> current PDF with the special pre-publication offer on the ITK web site 
> with this one.
> *Multiplier Copies*
> Complimentary copies went out to the list you provided in your author's 
> questionnaire in mid-September. I generally ask for quotes and/or a 
> review from these folks, if possible. I haven't gotten any response --- 
> have you heard from any of your contacts about the book? The names I 
> sent to were: Nicholas Ayache, Jim Duncan, Steve Pizer, Sandy Napel, 
> Paul Thompson, Eric Grimson, Wiro Niessen, Mads Niessen, MaryEllen 
> Giger, and Harrison Barrett.
> *Direct Mail*
> While good reviews are generally our best promotion tool, I am 
> considering also sending out either a postcard or letter announcing the 
> book. I will definitely include the list you provided in your 
> questionnaire. In addition, I thought about trying to purchase lists 
> from the IEEE, including specialties in the areas of visualization, 
> computer graphics, medical imaging, and pattern analysis and machine 
> intelligence. One of the most targeted types of lists is that of 
> attendees of recent, relevant conferences. These are typically not 
> available for purchase, but if you have such lists in hard copy (with 
> addresses) and could send them to me we can include those people in a 
> mailing as well. Please let me know if you have this available and also 
> if you think such a direct mail piece is worth the cost. Does this 
> audience even respond to something like that or is there a more 
> effective place we should spend our marketing money?
> *Amazon.com*
> The book is listed on Amazon, which is generally our top customer. It 
> will soon be included in the Search Inside the Book program so that 
> people can view select pages. I would encourage you to casually solicit 
> customer reviews on Amazon because positive customer reviews can help 
> sales a great deal.
> *Google*
> We are participating in Google's beta of Google Print. This is a feature 
> that allows publishers to include the full text of their books in 
> Google's search function. Insight into Images will be part of this 
> program as well. More information about Google Print at 
> http://print.google.com.
> We also have the option of participating in Google's adwords program. 
> http://adwords.google.com. We have used this pretty successfully for our 
> Origami Design Secrets book (you can see our ad appear with today's 
> article 
> <http://www.boston.com/ae/theater_arts/articles/2004/11/11/unfolding_origamis_secrets/>in 
> The Boston Globe about the author, Robert Lang). Could you send me some 
> ideas for keywords for the book? Something that someone would type into 
> a search in Google that would indicate that they might be interested in 
> this book. Or, keywords that would appear in an article, like the one 
> about Robert Lang, that people might read that would indicate their 
> interest in the book. If you can send me some real specific keyword 
> suggestions then I'll start up an adwords promotion.
> I'm excited about the potential for this book and will continue to 
> pursue these and other marketing activities. I've found, however, that 
> when authors are also involved in promoting their book it greatly 
> increases our success. Please feel free to contact me with any 
> additional suggestions or opportunities to promote this book.
> Thanks,
> Sannie
> Susannah (Sannie) Sieper
> Marketing Director
> A K Peters
> (tel) 303-817-1996  (fax) 303-583-4964  
> sannie at akpeters.com <mailto:sannie at akpeters.com>   www.akpeters.com 
> <http://www.akpeters.com/>

Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Associate Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
aylward at unc.edu
(919) 966-9695

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