[Insight-developers] Re: [Insight-users] One error and one issue with itkImagePCAShapeModelEstimator

Zachary Pincus zpincus at stanford.edu
Sun, 16 May 2004 04:02:18 -0700

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> 1) It seems reasonable to allow the ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator
>    to accept images of different origin, different StartIndex
>    and only enforce the pixel spacing and the image size (in
>    pixel along every dimension) to be the same among all the
>    input images.
>    Please send us a patch...

I've included a new implementation of the GenerateInputRequestedRegion 
method of itkPCAShapeModelEstimatorClass so images with regions with 
different indices, but the same size (and spacing) can work.

Now, the original behavior (which I did not change) is to set all input 
requested regions to the largest possible region, and claim to use 
that. However, elsewhere in the code (CalculateInnerProducts), the 
buffered region of the inputs is what is actually used...

Perhaps it would be better if this were all done with the requested 
region? If the user bothered to set them, why blow them away? Or would 
that break too much code that relies on not having to set a requested 

Anhyow, the diff is pretty messy since this is basically a different 
function, so I've just pasted in the new function.

Also attached is a modified test case that exercises this new 
functionality, and diffs to the old test.

Zach Pincus

Department of Biochemistry and Program in Biomedical Informatics
Stanford University School of Medicine

New GenerateInputRequestedRegion:

  * Requires all of the inputs to have a LargestPosibleRegion and 
Spacing the of
  * same size.
template<class TInputImage, class TOutputImage>
   // Calling this causes problems because it sets the input requested 
   // to various output requested regions, which might not overlap, 
since the inputs
   // and outputs aren't very closely linked in the PCA case.
   // If we REALLY want to call this, then some heroics are necessary to 
   // the damage it does. Specifically, we will have to set all the 
   // requested regions back to *their* LargestPossibleRegion, and not 
that of
   // some random output.
   if ( this->GetInput(0) )

     // Get the requested region and spacing of the first input
	typename TInputImage::RegionType masterRequestedRegion =
     typename TInputImage::SpacingType masterSpacing =

     // Set the requested region of the remaining input to their largest 
     // regions, and make sure the sizes and spacings are proper.
     unsigned int idx;
     for (idx = 1; idx < this->GetNumberOfInputs(); ++idx)
       if ( this->GetInput(idx) )
		typename TInputImage::RegionType requestedRegion =
         typename TInputImage::SpacingType spacing =
         if( masterRequestedRegion.GetSize() != 
requestedRegion.GetSize() ||
			masterSpacing != spacing)
           itkExceptionMacro("Size and spacing of input " << idx <<
             " is not the same as that of input 0" );

         } // if ( this->GetIntput(idx))
       } // for idx
     } // if( this->GetInput(0) )


Diffs for new and old test code 
< Old
 > New
<   InputImageType::IndexType index;
 >   InputImageType::IndexType index, index2;
<   InputImageType::RegionType region;
 >   index2.Fill(4);
 >   InputImageType::RegionType region, region2;
 >   region2.SetSize( inputImageSize );
 >   region2.SetIndex( index2 );
<   image2->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
<   image2->SetBufferedRegion( region );
 >   image2->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region2 );
 >   image2->SetBufferedRegion( region2 );

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  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkImagePCAShapeModelEstimatorTest.cxx,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2004/02/24 09:06:19 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.8 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
// Insight classes
#include "itkImage.h"
#include "itkVector.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_math.h"
#include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
#include "itkLightProcessObject.h"
#include "itkTextOutput.h"

#include "myImagePCAShapeModelEstimator.h"

//Data definitions 
#define   IMGWIDTH            2
#define   IMGHEIGHT           2
#define   NDIMENSION          2
#define   NUMTRAINIMAGES      3
#define   NUMLARGESTPC        2

// class to support progress feeback

class ShowProgressObject
  ShowProgressObject(itk::LightProcessObject * o)
    {m_Process = o;}
  void ShowProgress()
    {std::cout << "Progress " << m_Process->GetProgress() << std::endl;}
  itk::LightProcessObject::Pointer m_Process;

int main(int, char* [] )


  //Create 3 simple test images with
  typedef itk::Image<double,NDIMENSION> InputImageType; 
  typedef itk::Image<double,NDIMENSION> OutputImageType; 
  typedef itk::Image<double,NDIMENSION> MeanImageType;

  typedef InputImageType::PixelType ImagePixelType;

  typedef InputImageType::PixelType InputImagePixelType;

    itk::ImageRegionIterator< InputImageType > InputImageIterator;

    itk::ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType > OutputImageIterator;
  InputImageType::Pointer image1 = InputImageType::New();

  InputImageType::Pointer image2 = InputImageType::New();

  InputImageType::Pointer image3 = InputImageType::New();

  InputImageType::SizeType inputImageSize = {{ IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT }};

  InputImageType::IndexType index, index2;
  InputImageType::RegionType region, region2;

  region.SetSize( inputImageSize );
  region.SetIndex( index );

  region2.SetSize( inputImageSize );
  region2.SetIndex( index2 );
  // Set up Image 1 first

  image1->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
  image1->SetBufferedRegion( region );

  // setup the iterators
  InputImageIterator image1It( image1, image1->GetBufferedRegion() );

  // Set up Image 2 first

  image2->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region2 );
  image2->SetBufferedRegion( region2 );

  // setup the iterators
  InputImageIterator image2It( image2, image2->GetBufferedRegion() );

  // Set up Image 3 first

  image3->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
  image3->SetBufferedRegion( region );

  // setup the iterators
  InputImageIterator image3It( image3, image3->GetBufferedRegion() );

  //Manually create and store each vector
  //Image no. 1
  for( int i = 0; i< 4; i++ )
    image1It.Set( 1 ); ++image1It;
  //Image no. 2
  image2It.Set( 2 ); ++image2It;
  image2It.Set( 0 ); ++image2It;
  image2It.Set( 0 ); ++image2It;
  image2It.Set( 2 ); ++image2It;

  //Image no. 3
  image3It.Set( 0 ); ++image3It;
  image3It.Set( 3 ); ++image3It;
  image3It.Set( 3 ); ++image3It;
  image3It.Set( 0 ); ++image3It;

  // Test code for the Shape model estimator

  //Set the image model estimator
  typedef itk::ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator<InputImageType, OutputImageType> 

    applyPCAShapeEstimator = ImagePCAShapeModelEstimatorType::New();

  //Set the parameters of the clusterer
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetNumberOfTrainingImages( NUMTRAINIMAGES );
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetNumberOfPrincipalComponentsRequired( NUMLARGESTPC + 1 );
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetNumberOfPrincipalComponentsRequired( NUMLARGESTPC );
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetInput(0, image1);
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetInput(1, image2);
  applyPCAShapeEstimator->SetInput(2, image3);


  //Test the printself function to increase coverage

  //Exercise TypeMacro in superclass
  typedef ImagePCAShapeModelEstimatorType::Superclass GenericEstimatorType;
  std::cout << applyPCAShapeEstimator->GenericEstimatorType::GetNameOfClass() << std::endl;

  //Print out the number of training images and the number of principal 
  std::cout << "The number of training images are: " <<
    applyPCAShapeEstimator->GetNumberOfTrainingImages() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "The number of principal components desired are: " <<
    applyPCAShapeEstimator->GetNumberOfPrincipalComponentsRequired() << std::endl;

  //Print the eigen vectors
  vnl_vector<double> eigenValues = 
  unsigned int numEigVal =  eigenValues.size();
  std::cout << "Number of returned eign-values: " << numEigVal << std::endl;

  std::cout << "The " << 
    applyPCAShapeEstimator->GetNumberOfPrincipalComponentsRequired() << 
    " largest eigen values are:" << std::endl;

  for(unsigned int i= 0; i< vnl_math_min( numEigVal, (unsigned int)NUMLARGESTPC ); i++ )
    std::cout << eigenValues[ i ] << std::ends; 
  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "" << std::endl;

  //Print the MeanImage
  OutputImageType::Pointer outImage = applyPCAShapeEstimator->GetOutput( 0 );
  OutputImageIterator outImageIt( outImage, outImage->GetBufferedRegion() );

  std::cout << "The mean image is:" << std::endl;
  while(!outImageIt.IsAtEnd() )
    std::cout << (double)(outImageIt.Get()) << ";"  << std::ends;  
  std::cout << "  " << std::endl;

  //Print the largest two eigen vectors
  for (unsigned int j=1; j< NUMLARGESTPC + 1; j++ )
    OutputImageType::Pointer outImage = applyPCAShapeEstimator->GetOutput( j );
    OutputImageIterator outImageIt( outImage, outImage->GetBufferedRegion() );

    std::cout << "" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The eigen vector number: " << j << " is:" << std::endl;
    while(!outImageIt.IsAtEnd() )
      std::cout << (double) (outImageIt.Get()) << ";"  << std::ends;  
    std::cout << "  " << std::endl;


  //Test for the eigen values for the test case precomputed using Matlab/Splus
  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
  if( (eigenValues[2] < 6 || eigenValues[2] > 6.1) || (eigenValues[1] >0.1) )
    std::cout<< "Test Passed" << std::endl;
    std::cout<< "Test failed" << std::endl;

  return 0;

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