[Insight-developers] DisconnectSource calls Modified()

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Mon Aug 16 23:07:56 EDT 2004

Jim, pipeline gurus,

I noticed some strange behavior while running this code:


    typedef itk::ImageFileReader<Image3DType> ImageReaderType;
    ImageReaderType::Pointer imageReader = ImageReaderType::New();
    m_Image3D = imageReader->GetOutput();
    std::cout << m_Image3D->GetMTime() << std::endl;
  std::cout << m_Image3D->GetMTime() << std::endl;


The two GetMTime() returned are different. Looking at the DataObject class I
found that DataObject::DisconnectSource() calls this->Modified(). Therefore
when the imageReader is destroyed the m_Image3D modified time is updated. Is
this an expected behavior? why does the output needs to know that the
process object has been disconnected?

Sorry if this is a naive question,


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