[Insight-developers] NeighborhoodFunctorImageFilter?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 14:45:44 -0400


While reading through the implementation of several filters like 
GradientMagnitudeImageFilter and NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter, I 
noticed that the basic design of such filters follows a pattern.  They 
all have a ThreadedGenerateData that uses a face calculator and then 
uses neighborhood iterators to iterate over the faces and perform some 

We should consider creating a general superclass template for all of 
these filters called something like NeighborhoodFunctorImageFilter.  It 
would have a signature similar to UnaryFunctorImageFilter:

template <class TInputImage, class TOutputImage, class TFunction>
class NeighborhoodFunctorImageFilter;

This one tempalte would contain logic similar to the 
NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter, but instead of simply applying an 
operator to each neighborhood, it would invoke the functor.  Then all 
these filters could be implemented with simple subclasses that create 
the appropriate functor and instantiate this superclass template.
