[Insight-developers] ImageIOBase::GetComponentSize()

John M. Galeotti jgaleotti at cmu . edu
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:15:37 -0500

Is there any reason that itk::ImageIOBase::GetComponentSize() is 
protected?  I need access to it from ImageSeriesReader when reading PNG 
images.  (Consequently, PNGImageIO declares GetComponentSize() public, 
but g++ won't let me access it because the ImageIOBase parent class 
declares it protected.)

Also, can anyone explain why PNGImageIO does not seem to set 
ImageIOBase::m_ComponentType after reading a file?

I ask because I need to know whether or not a user had my program open 
an 8-bit or a 16-bit PNG image file.

John Galeotti
jgaleotti at cmu . edu