[Insight-developers] Evaluation of SPIE short course 2003

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:48:46 -0500


We received the evaluation of the short course
presented at SPIE Medical Imaging 2003.

"Medical Image Segmentation and Registration with ITK"

-------- extract from the evaluation ---------

This summary illustrates responses to various aspects
of your course, rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to

Please review your scores with the understanding that
evaluation questions are intended to be brief and
general, to encourage course attendees to respond.
Thus, the scores reflect opinions and general trends.
We also have included any verbatim comments that
attendees provided; instructors often say that verbatim
comments offer the most useful tips for improving
course presentations.


Number of Attendees:   19
Number of Evaluations: 10
Rating:   4.24


- Instructor Knowledge                 4.78
- Course content organization          4.22
- Time for topic                       4.33
- Materials clear and easy to follow   2.89
- Met benefits/learning objectives     3.89
- Applicable to work/profession        4.78
- Level matched description            4.78

Course average                         4.24

Verbatim comments:

- Can't expect to cover such a huge toolkit in a day, but
   would also like to have some more basics - e.g. why
   called 'Filter' or 'Iterator'. What basic functions exist ?
   Perhaps have more of this and less examples. Perhaps some
   time on how to use documentation.

- Unfortunately, one of the objectives was not reached. "Start
   your own software project based on ITK. "Download and install
   the toolkit"

- Very excellent presentation; I would have liked 2,3,(more) days
   or even more.

- Notes not printed. The supplied notes were blank, which did
   provide a place to take notes.

--------------- end of extract --------------------

Due to a missunderstanding, SPIE did not print the notes for
the course. The assumption was made that because we were
distributing the notes in the CDs, the printed notes were not
necessary. We were all a bit disapointed with the absence of
the 200 pages we prepared for the notes.
