[Insight-developers] Tests take too long to run

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman@kitware.com
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:35:50 -0500

I am working on upgrading the vnl used by ITK.   I want to make sure
that all the tests are still passing.   However, it takes a loooong time
to run all the tests/examples in ITK.   There are only a few offending tests
that take up most of the time.  In the notes for this build:
hythloth.­kitware Linux-gcc321 
Brad shows the time used by each test.    Most of the tests only use about
1% of the total time, however these 8 tests use up 67% of the total time
it takes to run the tests:

   100.00 %   976.47 s   TOTAL
     11.70 %   114.23 s   Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilterTest
     11.55 %   112.74 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_15
     10.61 %   103.57 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilterTest
      9.18 %    89.60 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkGibbsTest
      8.07 %    78.83 s   Testing/Code/Install
      7.70 %    75.20 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilterTest
      6.39 %    62.40 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkLaplacianSegmentationLevelSetImageFilterTest
      5.10 %    49.83 s   Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableTest

The turn around time is just too long.   So, I am guess people just do not
run the tests as often as they should.    Can the authors of these tests
please look into reducing the amount of time it takes to run them.

