[Insight-developers] Can't CMakeSetup InsightApplications

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Wed, 05 Mar 2003 11:50:11 -0500


You get this message whenever one of the FLTK components have not
been found.

Pass to "Advanced" mode and double check that all the FLTK libraries,
the Include path and the path for fluid are correctly set.



Mark Foskey wrote:
> Running on Windows, using a recent CVS update of InsightApplications, I 
> get the following error:
> CMakeError: Error in cmake code at
> F:/Workspace/InsightApplications/AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui/CMakeLists.txt:31: 
> FLTK_WRAP_UI called with FLTK_WRAP_UI undefined
> As you can infer, I have USE_FLTK turned on.  I also have USE_VTK on.