[Insight-developers] DICOMParser

Bill Lorensen wlorens1@nycap.rr.com
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 16:26:49 -0500

I've seen this problem. It's strange. I can do a fresh build and everything works fine. We can't move DICOMparser into Auxiliary because ITKIO needs it.

I'll check into this tomorrow. What cmake are you using? 1.4 patch 7 or later. I think there may be dependency problems.


At 04:19 PM 1/8/03 -0500, Stephen R. Aylward wrote:
>The DICOMParser in utilities requires ITKIO, but ITKIO isn't built until after utilities.
>I think stuff in utilities should not depend on ITK.
>The problem is that DICOMParser is accessing my old version of ITKIO that doesn't have definitions for the Dicom2 stuff, so linking is failing with undefined symbols.
>So, I think someone should move DICOMParser into Auxiliary.
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