[Insight-developers] RescaleIntensityImageFilter is broken!

Bill Lorensen wlorens1@nycap.rr.com
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:26:35 -0500

We found the problem. It was a bad ordering pf casts in the computation in the filter. You should be able to do a cvs update and see your code work.


At 06:00 PM 2/27/03 -0500, John M. Galeotti wrote:
>RescaleIntensityImageFilter does not work for some output data types.  
>Specifically, it incorrectly chooses the scaling parameter when converting from unsigned char to either int or long, and as a result produces a completely black image.  Also, the VNL numeric traits implementation seems to be missing a definition for the type unsigned.
>I've attached a relatively simple program (110 lines) to demonstrate the problems.  It is explained in the first 40 lines of code.
>This should probably be fixed before the upcoming release.
>Thank you,
>John Galeotti