[Insight-developers] Dicom

Stephen R. Aylward aylward@unc.edu
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 09:52:11 -0400

That would be great.   Some of the tag reading function is in the 
DicomIO library, but probably not as good as his system.

Does it require a dicom dictionary or is such hard coded?

If they release it, we can take-on integrating it into itk (after we 
finish our validation stuff).

Either way it would be nice having a cross-platform directory parser. 
We could read in stacks of PNG etc.

Now about you voting.... :)


Miller, James V (Research) wrote:
> (Okay, I'm apparently not allowed to vote but here is some more input :)
> I may be able to convince one of our projects here to release a DICOM "parser".
> Basically, the parser understands the "syntax" of DICOM so it knows how to find
> the tag/element pairs, knows how to determine whether the tag has an explicit or 
> implicit length, know hows to swap bytes, and knows how to extract the data 
> associated with a tag.  This is a fairly low level interface.  A user can then
> register a callback for the tag/element pairs that they are interested in. For
> instance, a FileIO reader could register that they want to know the pixel size, 
> image dimensions, pixel offset and raw data. Or a reader may register that it 
> wants to read some proprietary fields and the parser will call their callback
> when it sees the proprietary fields. The callback mechanism is similar to the
> ITK's observers.
> The author, Matt Turek, was able to put together a little executable using this
> library in about an hour that would run through a directory and list all the
> series in the directory, what files were in each series, and what slice numbers
> corresponded to what files.  It ran through a directory in about a second.
> I haven't looked at ITK's current DICOM parser to know whether it has this level
> of extensibility.  If this library would make it easier for ITK to provide  
> (extensible) support for reading DICOM images, I'll press to see if we can release
> this library. I'm thinking it may allow us to support the "basics" of reading
> DICOM series and as people need to get more information out of their DICOM images
> they can subclass our DICOM reader and register a few more callbacks.
> Jim
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Stephen R. Aylward [mailto:aylward@unc.edu]
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 1:58 AM
>>To: Insight-Developers (E-mail)
>>Subject: [Insight-developers] Dicom
>>The more I think about it, perhaps we should consider including a 3rd 
>>party library for DICOM into ITK or possibly including more 
>>of the DICOM 
>>stuff (grey scale standardization, intensity windowing, offsets, 
>>overlays, etc.) in our implementation.  I hadn't planned on doing 
>>either, but there is definite appeal to these other options.   Either 
>>option will require significant work and maintenance, but DICOM is a 
>>standard that we should support - perhaps better than we already do.
>>So, I'd like to hear from other groups (not just Jim :) ).   
>>How many of 
>>ya'll vote for:
>>1) Including another library is appropriate to get full DICOM support
>>2) Increasing our implementation to include more of DICOM's 
>>intensity-related tags
>>3) Not spending more time on IO
>>Ragarding 1) There is no easy way to get CTN to build cross platform, 
>>but I did make progress awhile ago on CMake for dcmtk.   But, it is a 
>>fairly large library to start including with ITK (compared to 
>>then we'll have full support (that is, the library functions will be 
>>there, but I am not certain how much our existing IO base 
>>classes will 
>>allow us to make us of the additional capabilities of DICOM - 
>>I'd have 
>>to look into this more).
>>Regarding 2) My concern with doing more ourselves is the 
>>evolving nature 
>>of the "standard."   Soon (?) a 3D standard will be out - but 
>>it is only 
>>slated to cover Ultrasound images.   I don't know the schedule for CT 
>>and then MR related 3D standards for DICOM.   Vendors are 
>>becoming more 
>>complient, but anything we do will always fail for some people. 
>>Additionally, we kind of decided that ITK wouldn't focus on IO, and I 
>>hate duplicating effort and trying to play catch-up with 
>>another group. 
>>   Some of our uses are using DCMTK and ITK on their own with 
>>Okay - my bias is really showing.   The nice part about doing 
>>it on our 
>>own is that we don't burden the user with having to install another 
>>library, and we'll have direct control of the software.
>>Ragarding 3) If we don't provide sufficient support at some 
>>level, then 
>>we perhaps look bad.  The question is what level of support.  
>>Right now 
>>we can read in DICOM objects (which are 2D images) and read 
>>in multiple, 
>>raw DICOM slices to create a volume by writing a simple 
>>header.  We do 
>>not offset the raw pixel values, apply the intensity windowings 
>>specified in an object, map the values via any lookup table in an 
>>object, automatically searching a directory/pacs-hierarchy to 
>>and reconstruct patients/studies/series/volumes, support jpeg 
>>compression of the pixels, suport dicom directories within objects, 
>>support overlays, support annotations, support multi-layered 
>>data (e.g., 
>>sometimes digital subtraction images have the unsubtracted data also 
>>stored in one object), the new CAD markings, lines, curves, etc.
>>So, ther truly is no clear answer.   So, vote now... :)
>>Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
>>Assistant Professor of Radiology
>>Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
>>(919) 966-9695
>>Insight-developers mailing list
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Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
(919) 966-9695