[Insight-developers] Re: Line Iterator problem

Bradley Wyman bwyman@insightful.com
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 10:18:43 -0800


	My application, which initiated this change, did a forward then
backward pass through each line of data and hence the pointer ended up
at the beginning of the line.  Going to the beginning of the next line
was the desired result.  However, that being said, it might be more
versatile if the Iterators provided a method for moving to the
homologous location in the next line. =20

	Changing Next/PreviousLine() to go to the homologous location
then puts the burden on the user to remember to add the
GoToBeginOfLine() function.  In addition it would require modification
of the existing code.  Perhaps another function could used to used for
this alternative behavior ( NextLineSamePosition()? ). =20

	Then again I don't have a specific application in mind for this
new feature so I'm not sure of the utility.  There's my 2 cents.
Brad Wyman, Ph.D.=A0        Insightful Corp.
1700 Westlake Ave. N=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0(206)283-8802 x256
Seattle, WA 98109=A0=A0=A0=A0     Fax: (206)283-6310=20