[Insight-developers] Re: MRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter errors

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Sat, 02 Mar 2002 13:02:01 -0500

I'm working on that right now.

we have a large variety of std::vectors<> and vnl_vector<> on API
whenever it seems to be possible I'm replacing those by itk::Arrays<>


Bill Lorensen wrote:

>That sounds good. Can you fix the example so that it works?
>At 12:39 PM 3/2/02 -0500, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>This class is used only (so far) by the Example/MRIBiascorrection
>>The example actually doesn't require FLTK (the FLTK flag around it in
>>CMakeList.txt seems to be a legacy line). Its dependency from Auxiliary
>>was due to the need for reading MetaImage files.
>>Now that  IO is working,  this is no longer necessary. A minimal subset of
>>the MetaImage reader is already in Code/IO and is independent of Auxiliary.
>>I'll fix the CMakeList.txt and try to add a a test but I'd rather coordinate this
>>with Jisung who is more knowledgeable about these classes and may have a
>>better perception of what has to be done.
>> Luis