[Insight-developers] Lydia's arrival

Bradley Wyman bwyman at insightful . com
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 10:07:30 -0700

For those who haven't heard...

-----Original Message-----
From: Lydia Ng=20
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 10:49 AM
To: Jill Goldschneider; Jeannette Israelson;
proj_iquantify@insightful.com; Bob Treder; Dawn Kinsey; Michelle Bula;
Bill Constantine; Antje Hoering; Grace.Leung@whk.com.au;
minimia@optusnet.com.au; pgale@netvigator.com; LAM_DAVID@LILLY.COM;
dmattes@u.washington.edu; vidyav_us@yahoo.com; jgsteel@bigpond.net.au
Subject: [Proj_IQuantify] arrival

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce to arrival of our new baby girl:
Maya Ellen Outhred at 12:16pm 7/2/02 (7lb 11oz, 19" long)

She is cute as a button when she is not squeaking, she looks like
a mini-me! - I am feeling well, almost human today :-)

Thank goodness for grandma & grandpa for taking pacing shifts
and cooking me looks of great food.

Maya, Lydia & Geoff