[Insight-developers] Download pages and beta...practice good dashboard protocol

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:26:37 -0500

Hi Folks-

The new ITK download page is up (with the new features that we talked about 
at UNC). We are beginning to actively announce and promote the beta 
release. Please do the same. Right now the number of downloads stands at 
131 (prior to advertising). Also, please subscribe to the ITK user's list 
(if you haven't done so already) and pay attention to the users, we can 
learn a lot and begin building the ITK community if we help these folks out.

The beta has been updated over the last week or so to include new IO stuff, 
exception handling, and to fix a variety of other instantiation/compilation 
problems that a number of you (especially Brad) have caught. Brad's machine 
(the beta branch) is building green, and I am also building on my Windows 
on Linux boxes, all green. If you have a change that you believe should go 
in the beta, and is relatively isolated, let me know and I'll merge it in. 
Otherwise, we'll wait a few months and cut the next release.

One last nag: we are going to get people who watch the dashboard and even 
access the code from CVS. It is absolutely imperative that we practice good 
dashboard protocol. Before you check something in, it should
+ compile on your machine
+ be properly documented
+ be complete, or at least if methods are empty, warn the user via a 
warning macro that something isn't implemented

Then once it's checked in, you should follow the dashboard until all 
warnings/errors that you introduced are gone. Also, please help by 
occasionally pitching in and cleaning up warnings/errors even if they are 
not yours. This is what members of a community do.
