[Insight-developers] Re: [Insight-users] Different versions of the same file

Jisung Kim bahrahm@yahoo.com
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:35:39 -0800 (PST)

I removed the files in the Statistics.
User should use files in the Code/Common directory.
I replied to the message in the user list already.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

--- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Sayan, Jisung,
> Thomas Boettger in the users list just found that
> there is a
> duplicate file:
>               itkDecisionRuleBase
> One is in "Code/Common", the other in
> "Code/Numerics/Statistics".
> Could you please give him some indications about the
> right file
> to use and if eventually we should remove one of
> them.
>    Thanks
>       Luis
> ------------------------------------------
> Th. Boettger wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > 
> > I found the following class files
> itkDecisionRuleBase twice in the itk 
> > code structure, once in /Common and a second time
> in 
> > /Numerics/Statistics. They appear to be the same
> files with different 
> > revisision numbers only. Shouldn't one of the
> classes be removed? Are 
> > there more equivalent cases?
> > 
> > Bye
> > Thomas
> > 
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Jisung Kim
106 Mason Farm Rd.
129 Radiology Research Lab., CB# 7515
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7515

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