[Insight-developers] Evaluation of ITK tutorial at IEEE Visualization 2002

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 03 Dec 2002 12:23:08 -0500


It will be great to include the hybrid segmentation
approach among the examples for the turorial.

Would you like to make the presentation personally ?

I am organizing the material to be submitted to SPIE.

As long as you provide code of working examples and
explanatory text with them by the end of december,
I will be able to include this material in the the
submission due on January 10.

Thanks a lot for your interest.



Celina Imielinska wrote:
>  Luis,
>    we would like to see our hybrid segmentation engine, with the examples,
> included in the tutorial on the itk. The review says to "focus more on
> the algorithms in ITK and their usage"... Who is in charge of the
> tutorial for the SPIE?
>  -Celina