[Insight-developers] 3D Color Images

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc . edu
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 00:54:10 -0400

Just checked-in an example (Example/MetaImageColorViewer) that 
demonstrates reading and displaying 3D color volumes.  Specifically,
it uses the itkImageIO object factory to read in an itkImage of 
itkRGBPixels and if you have fltk it pops-up a viewer.

There is a .mhd file in that directory that demonstrates how
to describe in metaImage format a color volume that is stored as 

It should be easy to modify that .mhd file to load in the color-cryo
data of the visible man / woman...

MetaIO documentation and dicom-to-volumes support is next...


Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
(919) 966-9695