[Insight-developers] MetaImage

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc . edu
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 18:12:39 -0400


I added typenames to Statistics/itkTableLookup..something.... I think 
the GaussianMinimumErrorClassifier use to not be built on ct02_oc.crd. 
Since it is now being built on that machine, IRIX's typename errors were 
found.  I still don't understand why they weren't found on kulu during 
the nightly.   For the record, those errors weren't with MetaImage ;)  I 
hope I got them checked-in early enough to see results from a continuous 
build before the nightly....I really really hope so.....

About metaImage, the switch to the new MetaIO library appears to be 
nearly done (I am getting rid of the last of the warnings). The 
new library supports voxel spacing info, vector images, data stored 
slice-by-slice, and more - see the Examples/MetaImageImporter program to 
create a meta-header file to point to your data so that your data can be 
loaded as a metaImage. Dicom, bmp, and many other type of files can even 
be loaded via metaImage.  The full documentation will be online 
tomorrow.   A simple view is provided in MetaImageViewer if you have 
FLTK.   Since the data can be stored in a different file than the 
header, any program that can read raw data can read a metaImage.

In your code, loading a metaImage is exactly the same as before if you 
use the object factory, but the library to link with is MetaIO instead 
of MetaImage.  The necessary directories are automatically specified.

I'd like to remove the Auxiliary/metaImage directory in a few days.


Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
(919) 966-9695