[Insight-developers] RE: [vtkusers] vtkWin32OutputWindow hangs in multithreaded debugg ing mode - with fix

Lorensen, William E (Research) lorensen@crd.ge.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 13:39:29 -0400

Yes, we have seen this in Insight also. We were talking about it today, wondering why vtk was not
having the same problem...


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dolgert [mailto:ajd27@cornell.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:36 PM
To: vtkusers@public.kitware.com
Subject: [vtkusers] vtkWin32OutputWindow hangs in multithreaded
debugging mode - with fix

Hi - The debug, multi-threaded version of vtkWin32OutputWindow hangs
because slave threads use ::SendMessage() to print debugging messages to
the main thread's window, possibly after the main thread is waiting on a
signal.  It causes deadlock.  A simple solution is to change SendMessage
to SendNotifyMessage, which acts like SendMessage when called from the
same thread but acts more like PostMessage from slave threads.

I saw this problem while stepping through vtkImageMagnify, but it should
be a very common problem for debug, multi-threaded builds on Windows.
How could I submit a bug report?  Thanks,
Drew Dolgert, Cornell Theory Center

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