[Insight-developers] readers and regions

Damion Shelton dmshelto@andrew.cmu.edu
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 14:15:38 -0400

Ok, so as long as we're working with the iterators and pixel indices only, 
we shouldn't have to worry about the buffered region?


--On Monday, April 22, 2002 2:08 PM -0400 "Miller, James V (Research)" 
<millerjv@crd.ge.com> wrote:

> Filters should always traverse the RequestedRegion.  The BufferedRegion
> should be at least as big as the RequestedRegion.
> Converting indexes into memory addresses is based off of the
> BufferedRegion's StartIndex and Size.  So if a filter (or iterator) is
> manipulating indices to form memory addresses or memory addresses to form
> indices, these operations should be relative to the BufferedRegion.