[Insight-developers] Spatial Objects checkin...

Jean-Philippe Guyon piloo@unc.edu
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 08:33:39 -0400

Hello Bill,

Sorry about that.
 I am going to check it in again, and I hope it will work this time.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lorensen, William E (Research)" <lorensen@crd.ge.com>
To: "'Jean-Philippe Guyon'" <piloo@unc.edu>; "Insight-Developers (E-mail)"
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 7:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Insight-developers] Spatial Objects checkin...

> The SpatialObject directory is empty. I've removed SpatialObject from the
CMakeLists.txt file for the
> time being. cmake was reporting an error.
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Philippe Guyon [mailto:piloo@unc.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 12:59 AM
> To: Insight-Developers (E-mail)
> Subject: [Insight-developers] Spatial Objects checkin...
> Hello Folks,
> I just checked in the first SpatialObject classes on the cvs repository.
> You will find the source code in Insight/Code/SpatialObject/, and the test
files in
> Insight/Testing/Code/SpatialObject/.
> I think that the subject is more than ever open to discussions, so please,
let us know any thought
> you have about changes you think we should submit to the current classes.
> The base classe is itk::SpatialObject< NDimensions, TransformType,
OutputType >.
> Deriving from this one, is the itk::CompositeSpatialObject< NDimensions,
TransformType, OutputType >
> class.
> If you wish to implement your own spatial object class, you need to derive
it from
> itk::SpatialObject<..>.
> It is not necessary to create in every case the corresponding composite
class which should derive
> from itk::CompositeSpatialObject<...>. You want to do so, only if you
really need extra
> functionnalities not provided by the default implementation of the
> CompositeSpatialObject<...> class.
> Currently, a SpatialObject contains a list of transformations which allow
to switch back and forth
> from the local coordinate system of an object to the global coordinate
system. Any object, if plugged
> to a CompositeObject, is positioned with respect to its parent object.
> The following basic functions have been implemented:
> IsInside( Point p ) => to know if a point p is inside the object
> IsEvaluableAt( Point p ) => return if the object value can be evaluated at
point p
> DerivativeAt( Point p, unsigned int n, OutputVectorType value ) => return
the derivative at point p
> and order n.
> The derivative is computed only along each axis, but more useful
derivation method could be
> implemented depending on the needs.
> GetBounds() => returns the bounding box of the object
> A composite object also has the following function to manage its
> AddSpatialObject( SpatialObjectPointer p ) => to add a spatial object to a
composite spatial object
> RemoveSpatialObject( SpatialObjectPointer p ) => to remove a spatial
object from a composite
> hierarchy
> All the other functions are only for internal use, or does not have a
particular interest to
> understand the way the SpatialObject classes work.
> The following classes have already been implemented:
> itk::ImageSpatialObject<...>
> itk::TubeSpatialObject<...>
> itk::TubeNetworkSpatialObject<...>
> we plan to implement some other classes soon, like a
SpatialFunctionSpatialObject<...> for example (
> sounds confusing ??? ), etc...
> Regards,
> Jean-Philippe
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