[Insight-developers] error compiling ITK

Ruben Cardenes rcaralm@canarias-digital.org
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 19:30:36 +0100

Hi all,

I was trying to build the ITK code, in RedHat 7.0, with gcc-2.96-81. I
know, the compiler is not as good as possible but I don't know if that's
the problem. Initially I got an error message like this:

parse error before "=" in itkSphereSource.txx line 108

and after comment out the line itkSphereSource.h in
itkAlgorithmsHeaderTest.cxx, and compile again, the next error was:

make[3]: *** No rule to make target `itkAdaptorComparisonTest.', needed
by `itkAdaptorComparisonTest.o'.  Stop.

Does somebody know what the problem is?

Thank you!

Rubén Cárdenes Almeida
Dep. Ingeniería Telemática, University of Las Palmas de GC.
Phone: 928449970 FAX: 928449191
email: rcaralm@canarias-digital.org &  rcardenes@yahoo.es