[Insight-developers] Compiling ITK on Mac OSX

Jon Harald Kaspersen Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 15:01:03 +0200


Referring to my last mail to insight-developers.  I did change the 
building of testing tree to OFF (in the CMakeCache.txt file), and the 
compilation of ITK ends ok with no errors.  So I guess it must be 
something with the file itkAmoebaOptimizerTest.cxx that my gcc 2.95.2 
compiler doesn't like......

Any suggestions ??

Jon Harald Kaspersen		Tel: 	+47 73 59 75 89
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering	Mob:	+47 93 03 65 90
Senior Scientist		Pager	+47 96 84 29 94
SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd	Fax: 	+47 73 59 78 73
N-7034 Trondheim
NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no