[Insight-developers] itkPointQueue class

Luis Ibanez ibanez@cs.unc.edu
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:32:32 -0500 (EST)


The compiling error were produced by 

1) Boolean constants were used in Uppercase like
   TRUE, FALSE instead of 'true', 'false', in 

2) The typedef for SuperClass in itkPointQueue
   need to include the template parameters for
   TComponene and VDimension, in itkPointQueue.h
   like: typedef Point<VDimension, TComponen> Superclass;

3) Wherever the itkNewMacro is used, we have to
   verify if itkObjectFactory.h need to be included.
   Unfortunately the error message generated by
   the compiler is not clear at all, it just said :
   "parse error before >" in the itkNewMacro line.
   so we should add: #include <itkObjectFactory.h> 
   in itkPointQueue.h

In any case, I aggree with Jim, in that could be 
interesting to consider first if the STL queue 
class could be used directly instead of creating 
a queue of our own.

Maybe trying something like:

#include <queue>
typedef itk::Point<2,int> i      PointType;
typedef std::queue< PointType >  PointQueueType;

Documentation for STL queue is available at




Luis Ibanez
Research Assistant Professor - Division of NeuroSurgery
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599   http://www.cs.un.edu/~ibanez