[Insight-developers] Alpha Comments

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman@kitware.com
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 16:52:49 -0400

1. Can not build ITK shared on win32, this is a bug, and I have fixed the problem by
not allowing shared builds on win32.

2. Many of the examples depend on external packages (VTK, FLTK) but are still options that
can be selected if those packages are not configured for use.  This was an
open issue in the last TCON that was going to be fixed.
The Alpha tester had several syntax errors in the examples.  The first thing they
did was turn on all the examples.

>E:\WinCVS\InsightBeta\Insight\Examples\MRIRegistration\RegisterAD.cxx(29) : 
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vtkImageStatistics.h': No such 
file or 
> directory 
>Error executing cl.exe. 
>E:\WinCVS\InsightBeta\Insight\Unsupported\vtk\vtk2itk.cxx(312) : error C2664: 
'Print' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class std::basic_ostream<char,struct 
>std::char_traits<char> >' to 'class ostream &' 
> A reference that is not to 'const' cannot be bound to a non-lvalue 
>Error executing cl.exe. 