[Insight-developers] TImage::ImageDimension

Luis Ibanez ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Fri Oct 27 11:06:09 EDT 2000


Looking closer into the problem of using ImageDimension,
there are some funny facts:

1) In VC++ 6.0 this produce  a warning, not an error

2) The warning doesn't appears with gcc,  maybe
     because gcc doesn't complain about zero
    size arrays being declared  like:    int m[0];

3)  In spite of the warning,...
      the code runs ok  with gcc and VC++.


This is a minimal example of the similar situation.
Here, a short "Image" class is used, just to isolate
the code from the rest of Insight, so the attached
file is self-contained.

The output of the program shows that the dimension
of the image created inside the process object is
really 3 as expected.

I will speculate that this is due to the different aspects
of the code that are checked during the several compiler
passes.  Perhaps enums are initialized after array sizes
are checked....



#include <iostream>

// Image Class
template <class T, unsigned int N>
class Image {
  enum { ImageDimension = N };
  typedef Image * Pointer;
  unsigned int Index[N];

// Process Class
template <class TImage>
class myProcess {
  typedef Image<int, TImage::ImageDimension> TempImage;
  typename TempImage::Pointer temp;
  myProcess() {
    std::cout << "image dimension = ";
    std::cout <<  TempImage::ImageDimension << std::endl;

// Main
int main()
  typedef Image<float,3> myImageType;
  myProcess<myImageType> process;
  return 0;


Luis Ibanez
Research Assistant Professor - Division of Neurosurgery
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB# 7060, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
email : ibanez at cs.unc.edu       home  : http://www.cs.unc.edu/~ibanez
phone : (919)-843-9961          fax   : (919)-966-6627
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