[Insight-developers] Classes moved and renamed

Luis Ibanez ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Sat Nov 18 18:37:22 EST 2000


The classes 

  itkReadMetaImage and itkWriteMetaImage

ere moved from Code/Common directory to
Code/Interfaces directory, because they
rely on a third party library.


Additionaly some classes were renamed 
(this was an overdue assignment...)

  KalmanFilter -> KalmanLinearEstimator
(to avoid confusion with Image Filters)

FilterImageGaussian  -> FilterImageRecursiveGaussian

FilterImageGaussianFirstDerivative ->

FilterImageGaussianSecondDerivative ->

In this way, these filters can better be differentiated
from convolution filters, which is what most users will
expect to find under the "GaussianFilter" label.

Maybe the appropiated default Gaussian filters should
be the ones defined using Josh's neighbor convolution.




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