[Insight-developers] More thoughts on Interface directory...

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Thu Aug 10 11:58:49 EDT 2000

Just to add to what Vikram has started: my thinking is that the interfaces directory
would include interfaces to data files and such. As Vikram has pointed out, we are
not mandated to create a family of readers/writers or interfaces. But how do you
test something without data? The mesh class could be tested by hand crafting examples
with 5-10 cells, but the tests are a lot more convincing if we can throw in several
thousand triangles, quads, etc. which we have in abundance (vtk data files or
iso-surface generation). So we are testing the class by generating data with vtk and
then putting the data into itk. Then, we are visualizing the results by converting itk
into vtk and displaying it. And since this process has taken some effort, we don't want
to waste any work and are trying to collect it up for others to use.

Sorry for the soapbox,

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