[Imstk-developers] Collision detection cannot be run in the example

Sreekanth Arikatla sreekanth.arikatla at kitware.com
Thu Mar 23 16:28:57 EDT 2017

Hi Xia,
         I'll test these two examples and see what the runtime error is. We
do not have unit testing for every module as of now which means every
example but be run manually before every merge. Since we don't do this and
we haven't used PBD since last summer it could be that some of the
MRs broke this code.


On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 3:58 PM, Zhaohui Xia <unihui at gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried to run *testPbdCollision*() (without virtual coupling and line
> mesh) and found that there is something wrong with the collision detection
> and handling between the dragon and cloth. I remember running the example
> without problem several months ago. Is it possible that some of the changes
> (adding BaseSolver, Pbd solver, etc.) influenced the calling of some
> functions in PBD? *testLineMesh*() also have this problem.
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Sreekanth Arikatla, Ph.D.,
Senior R&D Engineer,
Kitware, Inc. <http://www.kitware.com>, Carrboro, NC.
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