[Imstk-developers] weekly-meeting follow up

Alexis Girault alexis.girault at kitware.com
Thu Jan 19 15:33:20 EST 2017

Sorry we had to leave the room, I guess we took a long time talking about
all those points.

1) If you have a question related to our latest discussion with Mohit
please let us know so we can discuss it. I'll update the google doc/trello
to keep track of his work and future improvements.

2) On my side, I'll finish the rendering MR next week with the triangulate
filter in the reader, and work on integrating Sreekanth's MR for the
controller and the Collision Detection.

3) Hina will get started on the peg transfer task next week and will look
into integrating ODE for rigid body physics. I will help her on the
architecture side of things related to the whole toolkit and cmake, and
Sreekanth will sync with her on how to adapt the Physics module API to be
able to use ODE solvers.

If you have any topics, remarks, or questions you weren't able to bring up,
please do so in this email thread.

Thank you,

Alexis Girault
R&D Engineer in Medical Computing
Kitware, Inc.

(919) 969-6990 x325
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