[IGSTK-Users] Observers, events, and callback function

steve.berger at istb.unibe.ch steve.berger at istb.unibe.ch
Wed Mar 12 12:24:59 EDT 2014

Dear IGSTK users,

I come to you following my difficulties to understand observers and events in IGSTK.

Basically, what I want to do, is simply print the position of a tracker every time its position is updated.

So I think I have to do something like:


    //in the constructor:
    ObserverType myObs = ObserverType::New();
    PolarisTrackerTool::Pointer myTrackerTool = PolarisTrackerTool::New();

    myTrackerTool->AddObserver(igstk::TrackerToolTransformUpdateEvent(), myObs);

    //myCallbackMethod definition
    void myCallbackMethod{
        //print the position of myTrackerTool


But unfortunately, I am completely unsuccessful to implement it correctly. For example, I do not get how to create ObserverType.
More generally, I would like to be able to link any igstkEvent to any personal callback method.

Could anyone help me with this issue? I'm sure it is a basic thing, but I just can't figure out how to implement it...

Thanks a lot for your help,
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