[IGSTK-Users] Drawing lines on an igstk::View2D

Steve Fallows sgfallows at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 08:38:21 EDT 2012

My question is essentially the same as this one (which was never answered):

I want to let the user draw an arc to specify a location for further
processingof the image, before beginning the procedure. I don't see how to
do this directly from the IGSTK interface. I think maybe a TubeObject with
a very small radius could approximate a arc/polyline and I could pick/drag
the points, but that seems somewhat kludged.

I'm thinking that possibly I need to get the underlying
vtkRenderWindowInteractor and use that, but I'm not finding docs or
examples of doing that.

Can someone at leat point me in the right direction?
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