[IGSTK-Users] HelloWorld with QT

Fabian Torres fabian.trobles at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 20:41:49 EST 2012


I´m trying to run the hello world example that comes in the IGSTK package,
but instead of use FLTK I want to use QT.

Basically the code is the same but instead of use a FLTKWidget I´m using a

The project builds without error and the display of the scene works fine.
I´m able to see the igstk view in the GUI created on QT.

But the problem comes when I use the MouseTracker. It doesn´t work. The
tracker doesn´t update, when I use the next code


         igstk::PulseGenerator::CheckTimeouts(); //FOR TRACKERS TO UPDATE

 		 typedef ::itk::Vector<double, 3> VectorType;

		 typedef ::itk::Versor<double> VersorType;

		 igstk::Transform transform;

		 VectorType position;



 		 if (coordobserver->GotTransform())


 			 transform = coordobserver->GetTransform();

			 position = transform.GetTranslation();

			 std::cout << "Trackertool :"

			 << trackertool->GetTrackerToolIdentifier()

			 << "\t\t Position = (" << position[0]

			 << "," << position[1] << "," << position[2]

			 << ")" << std::endl;


I always get position 0,0,0.

The code works fine with FLTK. The tracker update and I can see the
movement of the elipsoide. In QT the Elipsoide stays on the origin.

Does it has something to do with QTWidget?

Fabián Torres Robles
Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica
Ingeniería en Sistemas Electrónicos
tel. 58081280, 0445534661338
e-mail fabian.trobles at gmail.com, dae.wong at gmail.com
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