[IGSTK-Users] SeneGraphVisualization Issue

Tanu S twrkmail at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 11:34:50 EST 2011


I am new to igstk and am trying to build a program using the IGSTK4.2 (tried
 IGSTKSandbox 4.2 also) library. I did select the "SceneGraphVisualization"
option as "ON" during CMake configuration.

The prog gives the following compilation error:
Dir\igstk-4-2\source\igstkCoordinateSystemInterfaceMacros.h(28) : fatal
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'igstkSceneGraphObserver.h': No such
file or directory"

The prog works if I include the SceneGraphVisualization directory through
visual studio or copy the files in the source dir .

Shouldn't this directory be included automatically through the
"igstkIncludeDirectories" if the option(SceneGraphVisualiztion) is selected
in CMake.

Thank you,
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