[IGSTK-Users] Error in Release mode, not in Debug mode

Tamas Ungi ungi.tamas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 14:13:42 EDT 2010

Hi IGSTK Users,


I have a strange problem.

I have written a simple command line program using IGSTK, using just an
Ascension3DGTrackerTool and a TrackerToolObserverToOpenIGTLinkRelay object.
The main loop looks like this:




    while( 1 ) 


      igstk::PulseGenerator::Sleep( unsigned int( 1000 / refreshRate ) );




  catch( std::exception &e )



    return EXIT_FAILURE;



In Debug mode (Visual Studio 2008) the program works perfectly. However, in
Release mode, the CheckTimeouts() function never returns, and the program is
stuck at that line (line 6 in the above snippet) forever.

Anybody have any idea how can this be?

I would appreciate any help.


Thank you,



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