[IGSTK-Users] reg Polaris Spectra tracker

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Tue Nov 9 13:11:52 EST 2010

Hi Somi,

Observation a) and b) are as expected.

Observation c) is a little confusing, I will need to spend some time to 
understand this behavior. Could you send me your test code?

To answer the second question:

Tracker update is driven by the PulseEvent in the igtkPulseGenerator. 
PulseGenerator will try to evoke callbacks (Update tracker here) at 
scheduled frequency. Depending on computational intensity, it might be 
possible to miss a 'tick'. In another word, when you call 
SetTrackerUpdateFrequency(30), there is no guarantee for that level of 

You can observe TrackerToolTransformUpdateEvent to calculate the actual 
update frequency. Eg. run the program for 1 minute and count how many 
update event occurred.


On 11/9/10 11:11 AM, somi wrote:
> b) I also notice the expiration time doesn't change for tools which were
> not visible

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