[IGSTK-Users] Numerous Transform Callback Performance

Jake McIvor jdmcivor at interchange.ubc.ca
Wed May 12 15:04:45 EDT 2010

I have an application that logs transform data to a file.  A callback
function is attached to an observer watching for
TrackerToolTransformUpdateEvent.  Within the callback function I use a
transform observer to check for and get the latest transform, and then log
it to a file.

Over time, the rate at which these transforms are recorded drops
significantly.  I came across a section of Christopher Heath's thesis,
Disablement of a Surgical Drill Via CT Guidance to Protect Vital Anatomy
that describes a similar issue:

"A method was added to Landmark3DRegister to allow for pass by reference
retrieval of transforms instead of using callbacks. This was implemented to
prevent an issue that occurs with the callback method utilized by IGSTK when
finding the transform many times."

Does anyone have any insight on what is happening or how to improve



Jake McIvor
MASc Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
University of British Columbia
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