[IGSTK-Users] Multiple tracking systems

alberto.vaccarella at mail.polimi.it alberto.vaccarella at mail.polimi.it
Fri Jul 24 05:42:15 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to develop an application using both an optoelectronic and  
a magnetic tracking system, the setup is as follows:

- the optoelectronic device tracks some tools and the EM field generator

- the magnetic device tracks one sensor with respect to the coordinate  
system of its EM field generator

I want all the tools and the EM sensor to be displayed in the same  
coordinate system (the optical device one); to do that I:

- instantiated 2 tracker controllers
- built the scene graph as follows (after the tracking has started ):

opticalTracker --> opticalTrackerTool(0) --> FieldGeneratorBoxObject  
--> magneticTracker --> magneticTrackerTool --> EM_Sensor_CylinderObject

- opticalTrackerTool(0) is the rigid body associated to the EM field generator

Is this approach correct? What should I add to the view3D? I added the  
representations of the two objects but it doesn't work, it doesn't  
display anything...
Once I solve this I guess I have to use:


I'm not sure I got how to use this method...should I call it once or  
each time I need the transform? How could I make the  
EM_Sensor_CylinderObject to be always displayed in the opticalTracker  
coordinate system?

Thanks in advance for any help

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