[IGSTK-Users] IGSTK viewing convention

Vincent Gratsac vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr
Fri Jul 17 05:06:31 EDT 2009

Hi Andinet,

The only way I found to emulate a neurological viewing  pipeline is to 
modify igstk::View2D class in order to be able to set the viewing 
convention used by the application.
This viewing convention parameter is used when setting the view 
orientation :
>   switch( m_Orientation )
>     {
>     case Sagittal:
>       {
>       position[0] += distanceToFocalPoint;
>       this->SetCameraViewUp (     0,  0,  1 );
>       break;
>       }
>     case Coronal:
>       {
>       if(m_ViewingConvention == RadiologicalViewingConvention)
>           position[1] -= distanceToFocalPoint;
>       else
>           position[1] += distanceToFocalPoint;
>       this->SetCameraViewUp (  0,  0,  1 );
>       break;
>       }
>     case Axial:
>       {
>       if(m_ViewingConvention == RadiologicalViewingConvention)
>           position[2] -= distanceToFocalPoint;
>       else
>           position[2] += distanceToFocalPoint;
>       this->SetCameraViewUp (     0,  -1,  0 );
>       break;
>       }
>     }

I believe it could be interesting to add viewing convention support in 
the igstk::View2D class, as it is proposed in the corresponding wiki 
page : http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/DICOM_data_orientation

By the way, I didn't found another (cleaner) way to emulate neurological 
viewing pipeline, by using coordinate systems as you suggested me.
Could you give me an example or some clues on how to do it ?

Thank you,


Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
> Vincent-
> In IGSTK, itk DICOM image readers are used under the hood.  The DICOM
> readers interpret  the data generated by the scanners. As far as I
> know, by default most DICOM-compliant scanning devices transmit pixels
> for radiological viewing convention ( establishing coordinate axis
> direction  to generate LPS orientation ). Hence, by default  you can
> say in IGSTK, radiological viewing convention is used.
> However, you can emulate a neurological ( clinician ) viewing pipeline
> in your IGSTK application by establishing a coordinate system with
> transformations accounting for the  difference between the
> neurological and radiological viewing convention.
> Hope that helps
> -Andinet
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Vincent
> Gratsac<vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a newbie question, after reading this IGSTK Wiki page :
>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/DICOM_data_orientation
>> Which viewing convention is currently used by IGSTK ? Radiological or
>> Neurological ?
>> Antoher question which is introduced by the "Dicom related issues" part of
>> the wiki page : Do you plan to incorporate clinician viewing preference
>> (Radiological or Neurological) into IGSTK pipeline?
>> Thank you for your help,
>> Vincent
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