[IGSTK-Users] CrossHairObjectRepresentation

Tim Plummer plummer.junk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 13:30:02 EST 2009

Hi All,
I have reported a bug in the CrossHairObjectRepresentation class (
http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10054 ).  I am looking for
help to resolve this.

I believe that what is happening is that when the class is setting
m_ImageBounds inside
CrossHairObjectRepresentation::SetCrossHairObjectProcessing(), the
bounds are reported by the itkBoundingBox which are not in image
space.  Thus for ImageSpatialObjects that have a non-identity rotation
component their transform, the CrossHairObjectRepresentation does not

Can anyone who knows and understands the ImageSpatialObject class
recommend a way to get the bounds in the image space without
specializing the class to only work when the BoundingBoxProvider is an


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