[IGSTK-Users] Visualizing CT Image

Chris Heath christopher.c.heath at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 11:55:07 EDT 2008

Hello all,

I am having trouble visualizing a CT Image and I am not sure what I'm 
doing wrong:

First I add an observer to my CT Image Reader Object:

Then, I read the CT Image:
        m_ImageReader->RequestSetDirectory( directoryName );

Then, I create my spatial object and attach it to my spatial object 
        m_CTImageSpatialObject = m_CTImageObserver->GetCTImage();
m_ImageSpatialObject );

Then I add my igst2DView object to my fltk widget (Fl_box)
        this->DisplayCTWidget->RequestSetView( ctView );

Then I add my image representation to my view
        ctView->RequestRemoveObject( m_CTImageSpatialObjectRepresentation );
        ctView->RequestAddObject( m_CTImageSpatialObjectRepresentation );

Finally, I set my slice number using the get slice bounds method from 
slice );

My log contains no errors, my CT image is being succesfully read (I can 
view patient name, and my slider sets the correct bounds on the number 
of slices) but I don't see any image.  What am I missing?  Any help 
would be appreciated.

Chris Heath

Christopher C. Heath
Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
christopher.c.heath at vanderbilt.edu

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