[IGSTK-Users] PercuNav - Commerical prodcut

Andinet Enquobahrie andinet.enqu at kitware.com
Tue May 15 08:31:03 EDT 2007

I came across this commercial product that provides advanced navigation 
for interventional radiologists for performing image-guided percutaneous 
diagnostic and
therapeutic procedures, such as biopsies and radio-frequency ablations


On the right most column, they have a list of features of the product.
It was very interesting to see that some of the features are similar to our
four view needle biopsy tracking example application.

The feature that caught my eyes the most was the " wizard driven user 
interface that
leads you through the workflow" which will be one of the main development
tasks in the current phase of IGSTK.


Andinet A. Enquobahrie, PhD
R&D Engineer
Kitware Inc.

28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x124

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