[IGSTK-Users] igstk::QView and registration applications

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon May 14 09:34:57 EDT 2007

Hi Torleif,

      Mmm, we were doing the same thing....

I just committed the changes to the IGSTKSandbox....

Could you please verify if the chages are equivalent
to what you just did ?

Feel free to commit any necessary modifications.

It will be great if we could figure out a way of setting
up a test for this functionality, we probably can do it
by generating a Signal that simulates a mouse click on
to the QVTKWidget.

Please let me know if you find any problems with
the changes in the igstkQView class.



Torleif Sandnes wrote:
>> The behavior that you observe in the igstkView2D (that is
>> actually defined in the igstkView class), it is not yet
>> defined in the igstkQView class.
> Hi Luis.
> Thanks for the detailed explanation!
> I reimplemented mouseReleaseEvent() in igstkQView and now I get the  
> event I wanted.
> Should my modifications be added to the IGSTK sandbox, or is the  
> timeframe for the view refactoring such that
> this is not necessary?
> Torleif Sandnes
> Sintef Health Research

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